1st International Congress and Scientific Workshop of the Central-Eastern European Breast Cancer Surgical Consortium


1st International Congress of the Central-Eastern European Breast Cancer Surgical Consortium
13 June, 2019

Prof Dr Miklós Kásler MD, PhD, DSc, dr hc, FRCS
Minister for Human Capacities, Hungary

Scientific Director:
Zoltán Mátrai MD, PhD, Dr habil, FEBS - Hungary

Scientific Committee:

Dawid Murawa MD, PhD, Dr habil - Poland
Prof Petr Vladimirovich Krivorotko MD, PhD - Russian Federation
Prof Jerzy Jankau MD, PhD, DSc - Poland
Prof Alexandru Blidaru MD, PhD - Romania
Zhygulin Andrii MD - Ukraine
Prof Vladislav Treska MD, PhD - Czech Republic
Ákos Sávolt MD, PhD - Hungary
Prof Martin Sabol MD, PhD - Slovakia
Prof Janez Zgajnar MD, PhD - Slovenia
Prof Dr Artur Avetisyan MD, PhD - Armenia
Prof Wojciech M. Wysocki MD, PhD, dr hab. n. med. - Poland

1st International Workshop of the Central-Eastern European Breast Cancer Surgical Consortium
14 June, 2019

Organizer: Central-Eastern European Breast Cancer Surgical Consortium

(The scientific programme is organized and performed by the oncoplastic breast surgeons of the Dept. of Breast and Sarcoma Surgery, National Institute of Oncology, Budapest, Hungary)